Kevin Mackie
Kevin Mackie grew up in Hay River, NT and started to play drums in 1965.
He attended high school in Yellowknife and boarded at Akaitcho Hall from 1968 to 1971.
Kevin joined up with some other Akaitcho Hall and local Yellowknife musicians to form “UM²”, the “Universal Music Machine”.
Since his high school years at Akaitcho Hall, Kevin has played drums for many of Yellowknife’s long standing bands and along the way become an accomplished songwriter.
Kevin Mackie passed away August 11, 2021
From the Host
“I’ve never played in a band with Kevin, maybe hit a few jam stages together over the years. Kevin was one of those guys that was always behind the drum kit in the local bands I saw and heard as a boy before I even started playing.
After that, he was the rock solid drummer with Dave and Sherry Sveinsson, he and Sherry always in the pocket, laying down the groove for Dave’s smooth voice and tasteful guitar playing.
More recently, Kevin and I would get into discussions on song writing as he had a bunch of lyrics he had written over the years and wanted to make them into songs.
I was really happy to see his music video and produced single, “Momma’s gone a Drinkin’” come out a few years back. It was good to see his dream come true.
I really appreciate Kevin because he is one who treats the other local musicians as brothers who have grown up in the same place, with the same people, played and partied at the same halls and bars, fought the same fights, struggled the same struggles.
Even if not active on the local scene, they are as much a fervent fan of music made by the local musicians today as they were in their early years as young musicians themselves.
I also appreciate Kevin for his no bullshit attitude, he calls it like he sees it and will be the first one to call himself out on his own.
His was one of the most forthright interviews I have heard. The sacrifice, passion and commitment he gave and continues to give to his family and to his job, is the same as he brings to his music.”